Last modified 2007-01-12T11:14:37Z

Outcome-Based Activity Sequences

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Each of these sequences can be mapped to a specific type of learning outcome and to a particular teaching approach, together with its underlying model(s) of learning.

Each sequence is 'idealised' and is associated with only one type of learning outcome. However, in reality a single learning session may have learning outcomes of different types, so elements of each 'idealised' sequence will have to be woven together. Hopefully, this weaving together can be illustrated in examples/case studies.

24/10 Big problem: looking at actual sequences, it's clear that very different teaching approaches can be applied to the same learning outcome: e.g. use of collaboration via wikis in an exercise that had an "acquire-knowledge" type of LO. Perhaps we should disconnect the template sequences from LOs and associate them solely with teacher-learner interactions and, by extension, models of learning.

There are no direct links from each activity to the associated LO on the CurricLOs page: does this matter? (Users will have to use the browser's back button...

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Acquire Content Knowledge, Skills

Teacher's role: Content expert Link to exact role later

General overview

  1. Orientate students in relation to the topic.
  2. Break down concepts into component units. For each unit:
    • Introduce each unit (content or skill).
    • Students practise skill or recall content.
    • Provide feedback on performance and provide remediation as necessary.
  3. Test students’ extended performance (i.e. the whole topic) and take any remedial action until the assessment criteria are met.

Guidelines for planning

  • Break down the topic of the session into component units (content and/or skills).
  • For each component:
    • Determine the success criteria.
    • Create (or obtain) the resources you need in order to describe/explain it to the students.
    • Decide what activity (or activities) the students will do.

Detailed sequence
T = Tutor; S = Students; + = Concurrent steps

1. Orientate
T Give an overview of the whole topic to the students.
2. For each component of the topic:
T Describe/explain the topic (i.e. the content or skill) to the students. Need a way for students to ask questions during this activity.
S + Carry out an activity to practise the skill or recall the content. These can be comprehension(visualise, define, summarise)/test (MCQ, drill,problem, short answer)/remedial tasks. Link to appropriate types of activity + e-tools
T + Support the students (individually and/or collectively) with appropriate hints and advice while they are doing the activity. teacher or e-adjunct? medium? differentiation
T Give feedback when the activity is completed.
T If the success critera haven't been met, give remediation (incl. reinforcement activities) before moving on to the next component. need additional reinforcement activities?
3. Assess students’ performance on the whole topic
T Describe/explain the assessment activity suitable activities (MCQ, problems, short answers, essay) + tools for carrying them out; media for submitting work |
S Carry out the assessment activity.
T Provide feedback. medium?


  • Example sequences that have this learning outcome (note: they may not match this template exactly, as they are dependent on the particular circumstances of their design).
  • Models of learning implemented by this sequence: Link to exact models later

Guided instruction | Instructional systems design | Conversational framework | Cognitive apprenticeship | Situated learning

  • More information about the learning outcome associated with this sequence Link to exact LO later

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Develop Conceptions: Experimental Methods

Appropriate for learning through conducting experiments in the lab or on field trips.

Teacher's role: lab/field trip supervisor(in lab, on field trip) Link to exact role later

General overview

  1. Offer a question or hypothesis to the students. Then elicit, acknowledge and challenge students’ current conceptions of issue/problem.
  2. Set up the context in which students will conduct their research or experiment.
  3. Students carry out their research or experiment. Teacher provides support and encourages discussion and reflection (as appropriate).
  4. Assess students’ new or revised conceptions and provide feedback.

Guidelines for planning

  • Choose an appropriate field test or experiment.
  • Decide whether students are to work individually or collaboratively in the learning session.
    • If students are to collaborate or take specific roles in the investigation, decide whether you want to pre-determine these or allow students to choose for themselves in the class.
  • Provide the tools needed for research or testing.
  • Find or produce supplementary resources, incl. research methods, experimental protocols.
  • Ensure the safety of the environment (carry out a risk assessment if required).

Detailed sequence
T = Tutor; S = Students; [S] = Students participate, but tutor remains in control; + = Concurrent steps

1. Offer the question or hypothesis and elicit students’ conceptions
T Give an overview of the whole topic to the students.
T [S] Elicit students’ current conception of the question/hypothesis. Articulate (Write/speak)
T Give feedback on the state of students’ understanding in relation to the question/hypothesis; challenge and rectify any apparent misconceptions.
2. Set up the context for the research or experiment.
T [S] Assign students to groups/roles (see ‘Guidelines for planning’ above).
T Make the tools needed available to the students.
T Introduce (present) the tools. Explain any safety considerations and ensure the students understand them.
T Demonstrate or model the method or protocol for investigating the issue or problem. Need mechanism for students to ask questions.
S Practise the component parts of the method or protocol.
3. Carry out the experiment or investigation
S + Apply the method to carry out the experiment or investigation, using the tools and resources provided. Activity types: interact, experience, record, reflect
S + Record the data. Activities: recording data
T + Guide the safe and effective implementation of the method while students are carrying out their work.
T [S] + Encourage individual learning through analysis and reflection and/or Reflection activity types: assess, analyse, interpret, draw conclusions
T [S] + Encourage social learning through collaboration and discussion Activity types: social task (discussion, collaboration)
4. Assess students’ new or revised conceptions
T Set assessment task.
S Carry out assessment task. Articulation or
Assessed task (project, report, assignment, practical, process capture)
T Give feedback. Method/medium of feedback


  • Example sequences that have this learning outcome (note: they may not match this template exactly, as they are dependent on the particular circumstances of their design).
  • Models of learning implemented by this sequence: Link to exact models later

Experiential learning | Constructivist learning models | Research-based learning | Conversational framework

  • More information about the learning outcome associated with this sequence Link to exact LO later

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Develop Conceptions: Experiential Methods

Appropriate for problem-based and case-based learning.

Teacher's role: tutor-facilitator Link to exact role later

General overview

  1. Present an issue or problem to the students. Then elicit, acknowledge and challenge students’ current conceptions of issue/problem.
  2. Set up the context in which students will investigate the issue or problem.
  3. Students investigate the issue or problem using the resources given. Teacher provides support and encourages discussion and reflection (as appropriate).
  4. Assess students’ new or revised conceptions and provide feedback.

Guidelines for planning

  • Choose an appropriate issue or problem.
  • Decide whether students are to work individually or collaboratively in the learning session.
    • If students are to collaborate or take specific roles in the investigation, decide whether you want to pre-determine these or allow students to choose for themselves in the class.
  • Find or produce resources:
    • Cases and examples of the issue/problem
    • Methods, protocols, etc. for investigating it

Detailed sequence
T = Tutor; S = Students; [S] = Students participate, but tutor remains in control; + = Concurrent steps

1. Present the issue/problem and elicit students’ conceptions
T Give an overview of the whole topic to the students.
T [S] Elicit students’ current conception of the issue/problem Use discussion (collaborate or articulation (write, speak, draw, perform recall etc.) or comprehension or assessed task — give examples (see table B-1).
T [S] Give feedback on the state of students’ understanding in relation to the issue/problem; challenge and rectify any apparent misconceptions.
2. Set up the context for exploration
T [S] Assign students to groups/roles (see ‘Guidelines for planning’ above).
T Make the required resources available to the students. e.g. hand out printed materials, give URLs for web-based resources.
T Introduce (present) the resources relating to the issue or problem: i.e. cases, examples, methods and protocols.
T Demonstrate or model
a) The appropriate (or customary) language for talking about the subject area;
b) The protocols and methods for investigating the issue or problem.
Need mechanism for students to ask questions.
3. Investigate the issue or problem
S + Interact with the resources in order to investigate the issue/problem. Is there a media issue here?
T [S] + Encourage individual learning through analysis and reflection and/or Analysis activity types: assess, analyse, interpret, draw conclusions, solve problem
Reflection activity types: assess, analyse, interpret, draw conclusions, solve problem
T [S] + Encourage social learning through collaboration and discussion Activity types: social task (discussion, collaboration)
4. Assess students’ new or revised conceptions
T Set assessment task.
S Carry out assessment task. Articulation or
Assessed task (essay, problem, report, assignment, process capture)
T Give feedback. Method/medium of feedback


  • Example sequences that have this learning outcome (note: they may not match this template exactly, as they are dependent on the particular circumstances of their design).
  • More information about the learning outcome associated with this sequence Link to exact LO later

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Develop Conceptions: Critical Methods

Appropriate to discussion-based or research-based/inquiry-based learning.

Teacher's role: tutor-facilitator, research supervisor, Chairperson, Dialogist Link to exact role later

General overview

  1. Pose a question or issue to the students. Then clarify their current assumptions, beliefs and attitudes.
  2. Involve the students in designing and assessing appropriate activities.
  3. Students research and/or discuss the issue. Teacher supports and discussion and encourages learning through feedback, guidance and suggesting resources.
  4. Assess students’ new or revised current assumptions, beliefs and attitudes; provide feedback.

Guidelines for planning

  • Choose an appropriate question or issue.
  • If research is involved, decide whether students are to work individually or collaboratively.
  • Find or produce supplementary resources, incl. examples and cases.

Detailed sequence
T = Tutor; S = Students + = Concurrent steps

1. Pose the question or issue and clarify students' assumptions etc.
T Give an overview of the whole topic to the students and pose the question/issue.
T [S] Elicit students’ current assumptions, beliefs and values regarding the question/issue. Articulate (Write/speak)
T S Negotiate the question for discussion or research.
2. Set up the context for the discussion or research
T S Negotiate the criteria for success.
T S Negotiate the discussion/research activity and (optionally) assessment activity. Select activities appropriate to domain and outcome
Select assessed task and type of feedback.
T S If students are to work collaboratively, negotiate groups and/or roles (e.g. teacher suggests groups/roles, students choose which group to join/which role to take.
T Model the skills of critical analysis. Need mechanism for students to ask questions.
3. Discuss or research the issue
S + If discussing:
» State initial understanding or position on the issue
» Debate the issue
S + If researching:
» State initial understanding or position on the issue
» Carry out research
Cycle of activities: seek, comprehend, apply, evaluate
T + Support discussion/research:
- Facilitate and model the process.
» Give continuous feedback on the understandings/positions that are stated by the students.
» Offer examples and cases; suggest resources for further investigation.
T [S] + Support individual learning:
» Guide the student’s skills.
» Clarify concepts.
» Remediate misconceptions.
T [S] + Support social learning:
» Summarise differences and areas of consensus.
» Remediate misconceptions.
4. Assess students’ new or revised conceptions
S If there is no assessment task:
» State final understanding or position.
S If there is an assessment task:
» Undertake assessment task.
Project, report, assignment, practical, process capture.
T Give feedback. Method/medium of feedback


  • Example sequences that have this learning outcome (note: they may not match this template exactly, as they are dependent on the particular circumstances of their design).
  • Models of learning implemented by this sequence: Link to exact models later

Research-based learning | Conversational framework | Critical reflection

  • More information about the learning outcome associated with this sequence Link to exact LO later

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Acquire Cognitive Skills

Appropriate for the development of general cognitive or academic skills, e.g. what sort of skills? Study skills, key skills?

Teacher's role: tutor Link to exact role later

General overview

  1. Situate the skill in the context of its use.
  2. Guide or model the skill in use:
    • Anticipate, elucidate and address learner difficulties.
    • Give continuous feedback.
  3. Assess outcomes and provide feedback.

Guidelines for planning

  • Consider the appropriate context and content for students to practise of the skill. In particular, decide whether the context is to be
    • Authentic: i.e. part of students’ normal learning activities, or
    • 'Constructed': i.e. the session is convened with the especial aim of developing this skill
  • Consider the most appropriate ways to present the material: e.g. using text, graphics, sound, video. For guidance, see Learning Styles.
  • Design learning and assessmwent activities that encourage students to interpret and re-present the content.

Detailed sequence
T = Tutor; S = Students; + = Concurrent steps

1. Demonstrate and/or instruct:.
T Model the skill or provide examples of its use.
» Anticipate the students' difficulties.
2. Practise and support
S + Try out/practise the skill, using the appropriate protocols and techniques that the teacher has modelled. Activities, tools, services?
T + Give continuous feedback on the students' actions, identifying difficulties and addressing them by:
» Guiding students
» Modelling the component skill where needed.
T [S] + Support reflection, critique refinement and (self)assessment of skills.
3. Assess whole performance
T Set an assessment task that requires students to apply the skill in context. test, portfolio, continuous assessment, criticism/evaluation/review
S Perform the assessment task in context.
T Give feedback.


  • Example sequences that have this learning outcome (note: they may not match this template exactly, as they are dependent on the particular circumstances of their design).
  • Models of learning implemented by this sequence: Link to exact models later

Cognitive scaffolding | Constructivist learning models | Cognitive apprenticeship | Situated learning

  • More information about the learning outcome associated with this sequence Link to exact LO later

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Acquire Practical Skills

Teacher's role: Coach, Trainer Link to exact role later

General overview

  1. Situate the skill in the context of its use.
  2. Break down the skill into relevant, progressive components. For each component skill:
    • Guide or model the skill.
    • Anticipate, elucidate and address learner difficulties.
    • Give continuous feedback.
  3. Assess outcomes and provide feedback.

Guidelines for planning

  • Break down the skill to be learnt in this session into component (progressive) units.
  • For each component:
    • Determine the success criteria.
    • Decide what activity (or activities) the students will do.

Detailed sequence
T = Tutor; S = Students; + = Concurrent steps

1. Orientate.
T Give an overview of the topic (i.e. the skill to be learnt) to the students.
2. For each component of the skill:
T Demonstrate the component skill and/or instruct the students how to perform it.
» Anticipate the students' difficulties.
S + Try out/practise the component skill, using the appropriate tools and techniques. Activities, tools, services?
T + Give continuous feedback on the students' actions, identifying difficulties and addressing them by:
» Guiding students.
» Modelling the component skill where needed.
T [S] + Support reflection, critique refinement and (self-)assessment of skills.
3. Assess whole performance
T Set an assessment task reflecting the whole skill. test, drill, practical, observation, criticism/evaluation/review
S Perform the assessment task.
T Give feedback.


  • Example sequences that have this learning outcome (note: they may not match this template exactly, as they are dependent on the particular circumstances of their design).
  • Models of learning implemented by this sequence: Link to exact models later

Guided instruction | Instructional Systems Design

  • More information about the learning outcome associated with this sequence Link to exact LO later

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Acquire Social, Communication Skills

Teacher's role: Social facilitator Link to exact role later

General overview

  1. Establish a safe context for students’ discussions.
  2. Ensure that the social process has
    • A clear structure
    • Clear outcomes
  3. Model and guide the, social process:
    • Give continuous feedback
    • Progressively give control of social process to learners
  4. Assess outcomes and give feedback.

Guidelines for planning

  • Establish a safe psycho-social context for discussions: i.e. students need to feel that they can express their opinions freely and without fear of mockery or redress.
  • Define clear outcomes for the process (e.g. a collective statement, vote) and the criteria for success.
    • As students become more skilled and confident, negotiate the outcomes and success criteria with them.
  • Structure the social process: establish ground rules for the debate, discussion etc.
    • Model and guide the social process: reinforce the ground rules where needed.
    • Progressively give control of social process to learners

Detailed sequence
T = Tutor; S = Students; + = Concurrent steps

1. Preparation
» Intended outcomes
»Criteria for success
T Provide an appropriate context and content for the students to practise this skill.
T Determine the structure of the social or communication process.
2. Discuss and support
S + Discuss/debate or otherwise collaborate on the topic of the session Activities, tools, services?
T + Support the discussion:
» Suggest appropriate content resources.
» Facilitate and model the process.
» Give feedback on students' actions.
» Remediate problems and difficulties.
T [S] Support reflection, critique refinement and (self-)assessment of skills.
3. Assess whole performance
T Set an assessment task. observation, self-report, process capture, criticism/evaluation/review
S Perform the assessment task in context.
T Give feedback. select type of feedback


  • Example sequences that have this learning outcome (note: they may not match this template exactly, as they are dependent on the particular circumstances of their design).
  • Models of learning implemented by this sequence: Link to exact models later

Collaborative learning | Cognitive apprenticeship | Situated learning | Critical reflection | Dialogue, Argumentation

  • More information about the learning outcome associated with this sequence Link to exact LO later

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Professional or Creative Development

Teacher's role: supervisor, mentor Link to exact role later

General overview

  1. Enable the student’s participation in a community of practitioners:
    • Support his/her developing relationships with other members of the community.
  2. Provide mentorship:
    • Articulate and model practice
    • Help the student to articulate his/her own goals, needs, strengths and values.
    • Support the student’s critical reflection.

Guidelines for planning None explicit.

Detailed sequence
T = Tutor; S = Students; + = Concurrent steps

1. Negotiate
T S Agree on:
» Project and intended outcomes.
» Criteria for success.
2. Practise and support
S + Carry out the agreed project in the professional/creative/practical community to which one belongs. Activities, tools, services?
T + Provide support:
» Give feedback on the student's practice.
» Articulate and model practice.
» Provide access to further resources, examples and practitioners.
T [S] Support reflection, critique refinement and (self-)assessment of skills: viz. assessing, analysing, interpreting, and drawing conclusions
3. Assess overall performance
T S Agree on an assessment task. this sounds odd in the context of practice. Maybe it s/be agree on an aspect of practice that will form the object of an assessment. observation, self-report, portfolio, reflective log, process capture, criticism/evaluation/review
S Perform the assessment task in context.
T Give feedback. select type of feedback


  • Example sequences that have this learning outcome (note: they may not match this template exactly, as they are dependent on the particular circumstances of their design).
  • Models of learning implemented by this sequence: Link to exact models later

Research-based learning, exploratory learning | Collaborative learning, CSCL | Cognitive apprenticeship | Situated learning | Critical reflection

  • More information about the learning outcome associated with this sequence Link to exact LO later

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