Last modified 2006-11-10T13:12:17Z

Curriculum and Learning Outcomes

Page Name=ExpCurricLOs

If learning session is built around Content rather than learning outcomes, where should this be specified? In aims and objectives?

Aims and Objectives

Aims: General statements about what you want students to learn in terms of content knowledge and/or skills.

Objectives: Brief notes on what students will do in order to achieve those aims. Note: some people consider objectives similar to learning outcomes, so you may want to leave this section of your notes blank and write in the Intended Learning Outcomes page instead.

Here are two guides to writing aims and objectives:

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What is the source of the curriculum for this learning session? (A brief note only: e.g. a URL or reference to a document on your own computer or network)

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Intended Learning Outcomes

Liz writes (6/10): I am not very happy with the way LOs are identified (labels are from mapping tables with the odd tweak): how easily can people relate to them? Esp. the 3 categories of 'develop conceptions' and 'professional/creative development.' Part of the problem is that subheadings in the wiki pages are also links, so if the sections below level 2 heads are elevated into (pop-up?) pages in their own right, we will be free to use longer, more meaningful headings.

i.e. "By the end of this learning session, students will be able to..."

Each learning outcome should map to one of the aims of the learning session. Some learning outcomes may be required by the curriculum (="must"), while others are merely desirable (="should"), or useful (="could").

Below you'll find guidance on different types of learning outcome, which will in turn link to activities and activity sequences that can support each type.

Learning outcomes should cover:

  • Brief definition of the outcome
  • Link to teachers' styles
  • Outline of assessment activities (from table A) and link to individual activities (pop-up?)
  • Link to LO-based activity sequence (LOBAS)

Acquire content knowledge, skills

Students are intended to broaden their factual (declarative) knowledge of the subject and/or skills related to the subject.

  • Example

To achieve this type of learning outcome, the teacher often adopts the role of content expert. Insert link to exact approach later

  • Link to/from assessment tasks

Template activity sequence associated with this learning outcome Insert link to exact sequence later

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Develop conceptions

Students may be required to formulate new conceptions, or to build on their existing ones, through a variety of methods:

  • Experimental: lab-based, field-based or 'virtual' (i.e. computer-based) activities
  • Experiential: problem-based or case-based activities
  • Critical: inquiry-based, research-based or discussion-based activities


To achieve this type of learning outcome, the teacher can adopt a number of tutor-facilitator roles: Insert link to exact approaches later -- and list all the roles listed for that approach

  • Link to/from assessment tasks

Template activity sequences associated with this learning outcome Insert link to exact sequences (3) later

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Acquire cognitive skills

Not wholly clear what these are Cognitive skills can also include general academic skills ('study skills'), as well as basic or key skills (literacy, numeracy, ICT and English for non-native speakers).

  • Example

To achieve this type of learning outcome, the teacher often adopts the role of tutor. Insert link to exact approach later

  • Link to/from assessment tasks

Template activity sequence associated with this learning outcome Insert link to exact sequence later

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Acquire practical skills

  • Example

To achieve this type of learning outcome, the teacher often adopts the role of coach, trainer or instructor. Insert link to exact approach later

  • Link to/from assessment tasks

Template activity sequence associated with this learning outcome Insert link to exact sequence later

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Acquire social and/or communication skills

  • Example
  • To achieve this type of learning outcome, the teacher often adopts the role of social facilitator, e.g. chairing a debate or acting as 'devil's advocate' in a discussion. Insert link to exact approach later
  • Link to/from assessment tasks

Template activity sequence associated with this learning outcome Insert link to exact sequence later

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Professional or creative development

  • Example
  • To achieve this type of learning outcome, the teacher often adopts the role of supervisor or mentor. Insert link to exact approach later
  • Link to/from assessment tasks

Template activity sequence associated with this learning outcome Insert link to exact sequence later

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Prerequisite Skills, Knowledge

Link to/from learners

Are there any prerequisites in terms of knowledge skills and competencies that the students should/must have before this session?

Do you need to inform the students of these prerequisites? If so, when?

Link to possible technologies that you can use to inform the students.

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Preparatory Work

Link to/from activities, activity sequences

Do you want students to prepare for this session: e.g. by reading a book chapter or doing some research?

Do you need to inform the students about this work? If so, when?

Link to possible technologies that you can use to inform the students.

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What resources do you need for this learning session? You can specify them here and/or in your notes for the individual activities. However, listing them here will give you an overview of everything you need. This list is subdivided into categories:

  • Printed materials, e.g.
    • Books, journal articles, case studies, reports
    • Dictionaries and/or other reference works
    • Worksheets or other handouts
  • Audio-visual media, e.g.
    • (PowerPoint), interactive whiteboard 'flipchart' or other software-based presentation
    • Photos, images, diagrams, sound clips, video clips
  • Digital technologies (ICT), e.g.
    • Desktop or laptop computers (+ printer and/or data projector?). See also Location
    • Interactive whiteboard
    • Mobile technologies: PDAs, mobile phones
    • 'Desktop' applications (i.e. programs that run on the computers themselves): e.g. modelling tools, simulations, image processing software
      • Do they need to be installed on the computers especially for this learning session?
    • Websites and other Web-based applications
      • Do the computers have the required 'plug-in' tools: e.g. QuickTime, Macromedia Flash?
    • Digital cameras, audio and/or video recording equipment
  • Other tools, e.g.
    • Laboratory apparatus, art and/or craft tools, sports/exercise equipment, gardening tools

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Designed well, assessment will not only ensure that students have engaged with the content that you want them to have covered, but that they have achieved the learning outcomes you intended: new skills, new understandings etc.

  • What are the assessment criteria for this session?
  • How are you going to assess the students? Follow the links below for some ideas:

Links to/from assessment activities

  • If this learning session is part of a non-accredited course, do you need to record students' progress and achievement (e.g.  RARPA)?

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Student Feedback

Finding out what students have got out of the learning session (whether positive or negative!) may help you in your own reflections and lead to changes to the plan for next time.

  • When will you collect feedback from the students: e.g. at the end of the learning session itself; afterwards; at the end of the course; ...?
  • How are you going to collect it?

Link to technology for capturing student feedback?

Link to relevant activity page?

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