Last modified 2006-10-09T14:18:42+01:00
Reflections on the Learning Session
Page Name=ExpReflections
Note on reflection -- reflective practice involves reflection against some sort of model of effective practice...?
Your personal impressions
- Aims and rationale:
- What were your main aims in this learning session?
- What was your rationale in choosing the different activities, tools etc.?
- What went well, e.g. in terms of...
- Students’ motivation to learn and willingness to participate?
- Choice and sequencing of activities?
- Quality of your interactions with the students?
- Quantity and quality of students' interactions with each other?
- Technology used?
- Overall, what were the benefits of the approach you took?
- What didn't go so well? (Use the same categories as above.)
- Overall, what were the drawbacks of the approach you took?
The outcome for your students
- Feedback from the students:
- If you collected any formal feedback (e.g. through evaluation forms or questionnaires), what were your main findings?
- If you received any 'anecdotal' feedback from students (e.g. in conversation or emails), what sort of things did they say?
- Assessment scores:
- How well did the students do in the assessment tasks?
- How did their performance compare with previous cohorts?
Quality of the plan
- What changes are needed before you use this plan again?
- What advice would you give to another teacher planning something similar in terms of activities and/or technologies?