Last modified 2006-10-24T21:39:28+01:00

General Learning Activities

Page Name = ExpActGen

Note: This list of activities is provisional only. It has been synthesised from Helen's mapping table C and from the handout Instructional Strategies and Emerging Technologies produced by Patricia McGee and Veronica Diaz for their pre-conference workshop What do Faculty do with Technology Anyway? Preparing for Tomorrow's Technology with Pedagogical Efficacy. The McGee and Diaz handout is licensed under the  Creative Commons Non-Commercial Sampling Plus 1.0 Licence. If we want to incorporate their categorisations into the 'final' version, we will contact them to confirm that the licence covers our intended use of the material.

Design Notes:

Follow Helen's subdivision into abstract, concrete (x2) and social?
Separate pages for learner- and teacher- activities?

Generic template

The following is a generic template for different activities:

Category: General / Assessment / Metacognitive Link to/from [top of] category page

Focus: teacher or student(s)? What is the other party i.e. student(s)/teacher doing during this time (possible link to the activities the other party might do in parallel)? (How) can it be varied in order to support collaborative learning?

This activity can be found in sequences that support learning outcomes of the type(s) XXXX.

E-learning tools and technologies that you can use to support this activity are: Link to appropriate tools and technols

Links to example sequences in which this activity is used.

Useful tips (lightbulb moments).

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Learner-Focused Activities

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Defining questions, problems, hypotheses

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Collecting information

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Analysing information

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Manipulating, organising information

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Synthesising information, concepts, ideas

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Communicating information

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Presenting information

Includes articulating info

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Searching for/Locating information

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Identifying relevant information

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Reviewing materials

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Collaborating with other students

Since collaboration involves collaborating in something, I think this should be subsumed under other individual activities -- i.e. indicate both indiviudal and collaborative forms of that activity.
See also Helen's categories of social task

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Discussing, debating

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Working with experts

Again, not sure that this is an activity in itself -- it involves doing SOMETHING with the experts.

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Demonstrating understanding

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Practising, rehearsing

Are these the same thing? Don't they depend on the nature of the thing that one is practising/rehearsing?

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Modelling provides a way for students to understand the processes or structures underlying a particular phenomenon, with a view to furthering their conceptual understanding of the domain being modelled. It differs from simulation in that students have direct access to the model and can manipulate it to investigate the effects of varying different elements and/or the way that those elements behave.

Students can engage with modelling at a number of levels:

Examples of activity sequences incorporating the use of modelling tools are:

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Exploring environments or microworlds

Physical (field trip)

Virtual (modelling, simulations)

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Peer mentoring/reviewi/critique

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Reflecting, Keeping a journal

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Own and/or others' work

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Own and/or others' work

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Listening or viewing

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Teacher-Focused Activities

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Lecturing, presenting

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Assume this means admin-style communications e.g. arranging tutorial times, sending out essay titles etc.

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Presumably in a practical context

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Leading or moderating discussions

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Facilitating group work

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Conducting or directing activities

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Reviewing students' work

Same as assessing? Top of page | Learning Activities page | Sandpit page

Assessing students' work

Including scoring?

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Giving feedback

In class?

On submitted work?

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Mentoring, counselling, advising

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Modelling strategies, techniques etc. to students

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