Last modified 2008-05-03T19:24:07+01:00

News Archive


  • 06/05/08: We will be submitting our final reports to JISC and coming to the official end of Phase 2 of Phoebe, however we will still be doing work on the project and are hopeful that there will be funding for Phase 3.
  • 04/03/08: JISC is organising a Pedagogic Planners strategic review meeting in Birmingham. An overview of the current state of Phoebe is available in the Briefing Document?
  • 07/02/08: We have just finished our final project evaluation event in Swansea.
  • 14/01/08: We have just run our first evaluation workshop for Phase 2. This will be followed by one in Brighton on the 29th January and Swansea on the 6th February. We will also be launching our remote evaluation in the next couple of weeks, so if you would be interested in taking part do let us know.


  • 23-24/10/07: Marion, Dave and Liz attended the "Design Bash," organised by JISC for the Design for Learning programme, and the JISC Learning and Teaching Experts' meeting. The first event enabled us to forge useful links with other projects in the D4L programme, particularly with a view to exploring the community aspects of the tool. The second provided an opportunity to present the tool to the outside world and to receive initial impressions of its usefulness to practitioners at large. Needless to say, we returned with a lengthy "to-do" list!
  • 11/10/07: Marion is demonstrating Phoebe at the JISC Programme meeting in Birmingham
  • 11/09/07: Liz demonstrated Phoebe Phase 2 at the University of Greenwich's annual Staff Conference. The customisation aspects of the tool in particular were well received, and a number of teaching staff expressed interest in participating in the Phase 2 evaluation.

  • 08/09/07: Liz demonstrated Phoebe Phase 2 at the Alt-C Conference in Nottingham, where we also had a poster. We were delighted with the interest shown in both sessions, and also gained a great deal from our various discussions on the role and value of pedagogic planning tools in general. See Presentations.
  • 23/07/07: We have now issued over 35 guest accounts to people interested in Phoebe: not just to participants in the D4L programme, but also to people who have heard about the Phoebe project or even stumbled across it. We're particularly pleased to have received requests from overseas, including Portugal, Australia, Brazil and Dominica.
  • 10/07/07: A second meeting with the Design for Learning programme evaluation team, Glenaffric, and Sarah Knight of JISC. There's much to do over the summer in preparation for the demonstration of Phase 2 at ALT-C and the eventual evaluation later in the Autumn.
  • 09/07/07: We have just come out of a very busy week with Liz presenting at the European LAMS Conference 2007 and Marion at the e-learning@greenwich. This was followed by a Pedagogic Planners meeting at the London Knowledge Lab which brought together people from many different projects to discuss what we think pedagogic planners are and where are they going. More thoughts on that in the TALL Blog coming up soon.
  • 01/06/07: A very productive team meeting to firm up the functionality for Phase 2. We're very excited by Dave's suggested designs, which we'll showcase at ALT-C in September.
  • 15/05/07: Liz led a session on pedagogic planning tools at a seminar of teachers from a range of countries (including Bulgaria, Russia, Ukraine, Israel and Uruguay) organised in London by  World ORT. See Presentations.
  • 26/04/07: Marion presented an update on Phoebe at the pedagogy experts forum/educational content SIG
  • 10/04/07: We have received a number of requests for Phoebe accounts from people outside the D4L programme: these are most welcome and we encourage all users to send us feedback (via the link on the Welcome page of the prototype). However, lack of time before starting Phase 2 means that we will no longer conduct the online evaluation announced in February.
  • 27/03/07: The symposium at CAL '07 was extremely successful, with presentations also by Isobel Falconer (Models of Practice project), Mira Vogel (Design for learning in virtual environments) and Tom Boyle ('London Knowledge Lab' planner project). Martin Oliver, as discussant, deftly channelled the audience questions to the appropriate respondents. See Presentations.
  • 15/02/07: We have just heard that we have funding for Phase 2 of Phoebe, so there will be lots of opportunity to get involved in our evaluation and continuation activities.
  • 12/02/07: We are now releasing "guest" accounts for Phoebe, and have provided a Getting Started guide for people who would like to try out the tool. We'll be conducting an online evaluation in April, so please  contact us if you're interested in taking part.
  • 12/02/07: We have submitted our plans for Phase 2 to JISC, so we're now keeping our fingers crossed...
  • 12/02/07: Liz will be giving a presentation, Disrupt or co-opt? The role of a pedagogic planning tool in promoting effective design for learning, as part of a symposium on design for learning at  CAL '07 on Tuesday 27th March. Come along and join the discussion with three other projects: our sister project at the London Knowledge Lab, the Models of Practice project (both part of the D4L programme) and the "Designs for Learning in Virtual Learning Environments: Insider perspectives" project.
  • 12/02/07: Phoebe will be one of the tools on display at an internal 'Tools for Teaching' event to be held by OUCS on 23rd April and aimed at Oxford teaching staff interested in using technology with their students.
  • 24/01/07: The project review meeting in Birmingham went well, so watch this space for news of phase 2 Phoebe. See Presentations.
  • 08/01/07: The new interface for Phoebe is being implemented and we are preparing for the Review meeting on the 23rd January in Birmingham


  • 11/12/06: We had a lively and productive meeting with our sister project: a user-oriented planner for learning analysis and design being developed by the London Knowledge Lab. The two tools are approaching the task of designing for learning from complementary perspectives, and some exciting possibilities for synergy are emerging.
  • 04/12/06: FINALLY! We have finished analysing the data from the Experts' Group meeting. You can read all about it in this report.
  • 31/10/06: Thanks to everyone at the e-learning and Pedagogy Experts' Group who participated in our exercise on how people design learning. See Presentations.
  • 02/10/06: Dave has demonstrated his work so far on the tool to Marion and Liz. We hope to have a "sandpit" version available by the end of this month. Are you a member of the JISC E-learning and Pedagogy Experts Group? If so, we hope that you will come to the group meeting at Aston University on Thursday 26th October, where Marion and Liz will be running an interactive session to gather your ideas for Phoebe.
  • 26/09/06: Back to work in earnest! We have now analysed our interviews with the practitioner-informants and have constructed a number of scenarios of practice in order to build an understanding of the types of situation in which Phoebe might (or might not!) be an appropriate support tool.
  • 06/09/06: Marion took part in a symposium with other projects in the D4L programme at the ALT 2006 conference in Edinburgh. You can download the flyer which we produced for distribution at the symposium.
  • 25/08/06: The revised evaluation plan is now available.
  • 11/08/06: We had a very productive meeting with the evaluation team from Glenaffric and have since (04/09/06)received their excellent and stimulating report. An inter-project meeting with Mod4L and the London Knowledge Lab planner project has been proposed for 27th October.
  • 09/08/06: The initial interviews with PIs are now complete, and a wealth of varied data has been collected. Thank you to all the practitioners who have given their time to the project so far.
  • We have made progress identifying an existing open-source tool on which to base Phoebe. Still under wraps, but we can say that it's a wiki.
