Last modified 2006-10-09T14:30:21+01:00

Source Documents for Content

This page lists hard-copy resources and those electronic resources that are not on the Web (e.g. TALL's module specifications). For Web-based resources, see Phoebe's Delicious page on

  • JISC's e-Learning and Pedagogy Templates:
    • Case Study Template (version created for the Subject Centres.)
      This is more useful than the other case study templates. It was included in the delegate pack at the D4L start-up meeting (printed on green paper). Although the printed version gives a link to the online version, I can't track it down. So guard your printed copy with care''
    • Draft template for describing a unit of (e-)learning
    • Mapping Tables:
      • A: Mapping generic learning outcomes to suggested pedagogic approaches
      • B: Mapping generic learning outcomes (and pedagogic approaches) to sequences of activity
      • F: Mapping key learner differences to implications for learning design
  • Specifications and templates for the design of TALL courses and modules (Word docs available).
  • Transcribed interviews with practitioner-informants.
