Last modified 2009-11-06T17:06:26Z

Phoebe in the "Have a Go" area of the JISC Online Conference 2009

(Available to registered delegates only)

Phoebe is a pedagogy planner tool, designed to help teachers create learning experiences that are motivating and productive for both their students and themselves. It comprises a simple authoring environment and extensive guidance on teaching and learning with digital technologies.

Phoebe was developed from 2006-2008 by a team from the University of Oxford, with funding from the JISC Design for Learning programme. Since our first evaluation in 2007 it has attracted attention from all over the world, including Europe, the USA, Brazil and (we believe) Mongolia. In this "Have a Go" space we invite you to find out about Phoebe for yourself. You can start by reading a brief overview or watching a video, before moving on to the actual tool. To help you make the most of your experience we have prepared Exploring Phoebe, a guide which combines "how-to" instructions with suggestions for specific activities.

Do share your thoughts about Phoebe in the discussion forum, and send us an email if you encounter any difficulties.


Marion and Liz

About Phoebe:

Exploring Phoebe:

Comments and queries:

We will check the forum and our inboxes frequently and will reply as soon as we can.

You might also like to visit the website of the  LDSE project, on which we are now working with colleagues from five other institutions.

 Phoebe page in the Have a Go area
