[[br]][[br]] '''The Phoebe Project ceased activity in 2009. This site remains as an archive.''' [[br]][[br]] = Welcome to the Phoebe Project Wiki = [[PageOutline]] || '''Phoebe at the JISC Online Conference 2009 [wiki:JISCOnlineConf2009Links (introduction and links)]''' || == A practitioner-focused environment to support design for learning == The aim of the Phoebe project is to guide practitioners working in post-compulsory learning (FE, HE and ACL) in designing effective and pedagogically sound learning activities. To realise this aim, we have: * Developed a prototype online planning tool that will offer users both flexible and guided paths through the planning process and encourage them to explore new approaches and tools in their pedagogy; * User-tested the planning tool for functionality and usability; and * Investigated the feasibility of further development and the integration of the planning tool into pedagogic practice by embedding it in teacher-training and staff-development contexts. The project has been carried out by Oxford University Department for Continuing Education and Oxford University Computing Services, and has been funded under the [http://www.jisc.ac.uk/elp_designlearn.html JISC Design for Learning programme]. Phase 1 (01/05/06 to 28/02/07) focused on developing a proof-of-concept prototype. In phase 2 (01/03/07 to 06/05/08) we worked on a more full-featured tool for evaluation with practitioners. [wiki:ProjectOutputs Project outputs] Click [http://talks.conted.ox.ac.uk/talks/Viewer/?peid=236eacd1-4c8c-4fbd-9b29-55c4fffa25ce here] for a demo of the Phoebe tool. (23mins, requires audio) Try out the '''[http://www.phoebe.ox.ac.uk Phoebe tool].''' {{{ #!html

Find more information about our thoughts on this project and other things in the TALL Blog's Phoebe category .

}}} For a history of key activities and events, see the [wiki:NewsArchive News Archive]. == Project Team == [http://www.tall.ox.ac.uk/ Technology-Assisted Lifelong Learning Unit], Oxford University Department for Continuing Education: * [mailto:marion.manton@conted.ox.ac.uk Marion Manton]: Project manager * [mailto:david.balch@conted.ox.ac.uk David Balch]: Web developer [http://www.oucs.ox.ac.uk/ltg/ Learning Technologies Group], Oxford University Computing Services: * [mailto:liz.masterman@oucs.ox.ac.uk Liz Masterman]: researcher & evaluation specialist == Phoebe in detail == For more information about Phoebe, please follow the links below: * [wiki:ProjectOutputs Formal outputs from the project] * [wiki:AboutTheProject General Overview] * [wiki:PractitionerInvolvement Practitioner-Focused Design and Evaluation] * [wiki:ContentDevelopment Phase 2 Content Specification] * [wiki:TechnicalDevelopment Technical Development] * [wiki:ProjectPresentations Presentations] * [wiki:PhoebeDownloads Downloads] * [wiki:NewsArchive News Archive] UploadedFiles (for the project team only) ---- This project page runs on the Trac enhanced wiki and issue tracking system. To learn more about Trac in general, the TracGuide is a good place to start.[[br]] For a complete list of local wiki pages, see TitleIndex. Trac is brought to you by [http://www.edgewall.com/ Edgewall Software], providing professional Linux and software development services to clients worldwide. Visit http://www.edgewall.com/ for more information.