== Requirements Specification == Note the current list of fuctional requirements as currently defined is available in the FunctionalSpec. Note this pages references requirements from LAMS and LD tools projects attached below. Note the requirements from these are coded to indicate whether we are aining to acheive them in this phase of the project or in later phases, although these may also be superceded by results of later more focused evaluation. Some of the requirements may have simple implementations for phase 1 but more sophisticated ones for later phases. Drawing upon results from previous JISC projects and interviews with practitioner informants, a requirements specification can be drawn up that will determine the main function and purpose of Phoebe. Phoebe will create a practitioner-focused tool to develop users’ skills in designing effective learning activities. To encourage uptake and to support effective practice, a tool must not only fit practitioners’ current approaches to designing for learning, but also help to develop these in positive ways. Thus, the functionality of the proposed planner tool will reflect the wide variation in existing practice by offering users both flexible and guided paths through the planning process, while at the same time enabling them to access a wide range of models, research findings and examples of innovative learning designs, intended to encourage them to explore new approaches and tools in their pedagogy. In addition to mapping out their learning designs, users will also be able to record their personal response to the material that they encounter and. share them with colleagues and other practitioners, whether to support collaborative planning or to facilitate re-purposing into other learning designs. User Requirements In reviewing the results from the practitioner informant interviews and results from previous studies, the following user requirements can be identified: Users of Phoebe will have different reasons to come to the site and different ways of using it. Many of the users of Phoebe will have limited technical knowledge, and will have novice/beginner level expertise of in eLearning, however others may be well informed and looking for specific things or updating. Therefore, the content needs to be pitched at an appropriate level to be usable but to have scope for developing user knowledge. Phoebe’s layout should therefore have a logical and intuitive layout and clear link structure, but also allow for more sophisticated modes of use. More detailed information about potential users is in the UseCases – to be developed from PI interviews in first instance. == Content Requirements == The content of this site must be suitable in terms of its availability and ease of use. Information that represents consistent information types should be presented in a standardized way. When using external content, where possible use content that does not require login or a player to access. Eg LAMS sequences. Where possible the level of complexity should be kept low, not because of intellectual imitations in users, but because users will have limited technical knowledge. == Technical Requirements == Most users will access the course through standard browsers and thus might be expected to have flash player. A typical user will be accessing Phoebe from work, and thus have excellent bandwidth but many may use it from home internet connections, so this must be taken into account. Although they are not a primary focus, the site should adhere to strict XHTML and CSS guidelines to ensure the sites usability from screen readers.